Profession Photos

Below is a slideshow of photos of the beautiful day of Sr. Mary Jacinta's First Profession. Sister's family and a large group of friends traveled up to Summit by bus! Her dad is a bus driver so after his morning route rounded up everyone and headed north. In true Haitian form they were about half hour late! Sr. Mary Jacinta could be heard on the phone telling them to get here fast! We waited until they all arrived before Mass began!

Another special group of guests were the residents of Visitation Home in Hamilton, NJ. This is a group home for developmentally disabled adults and Sr. Mary Jacinta worked here before entering the monastery. We were blessed to meet Denise Reil, the founder of Visitation Home and her son Scotty who has autism. What a beautiful person Denise is!

Fr Stanley Krzyston, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Yardville, NJ, where St. Mary Jacinta volunteered as the bookkeeper, was the main celebrant and gave a very powerful and at times humorous homily. We have heard so much about him and were happy he finally came to the monastery. We hope it won't be the last time!

The reception was full of fun and family and all-to-soon Mr. Eloizard had to gather everyone together to head back to Trenton so he could get back to work!

We thank Jesus and Mary for the graces of this beautiful day for Sr. Mary Jacinta, for the community and for the Church!  We pray that many more young women will follow in Sr. Mary Jacinta's footsteps and as Fr. Stan said in his homily, "Just do it!"


Year of Faith Reflection Corner


First Profession Video