Dive into Lent with "Through Lent with John's People"!

UPDATE: The free kindle is available until midnight Wednesday (2/21) PST!

Last year we published a Lenten devotional book entitled Through Lent with John's People, written by a member of the Dominican Laity, Mr. Thomas Garry. We're pleased to be able to offer you a FREE kindle version of the book, available on Amazon. The free offer is only available tomorrow, February 18th,  the First Sunday of Lent starting at midnight PST.  If you miss this opportunity you can still purchase the kindle version for $2.99 or the paperback for $12.16 from Amazon. (That's a strange price for a book....do you know its significance? Hint: The book was published for the 800 anniversary of the Order of Preachers.) Paperback is also available through our online gift shop (on sale during Lent for $8.50) or stop on by the monastery gift shop, open Monday-Saturday 9:30-4:00.

Through Lent with John’s People is written for readers short on time but long on a desire to grow in faith during the Lenten season. 

For each day of Lent, the book provides a passage from the Gospel of St. John and a brief reflection on how our lives and attitudes compare with those of the people whose encounters with Jesus are portrayed in that passage. Two to four questions for prayerful consideration close each entry. 

The book offers busy readers a time-efficient means of engaging in the ancient Catholic practice of lectio divina, and its “four movements”: lectio (reading a passage of Scripture), meditatio (meditating on that passage), oratio (praying about the passage) and contemplatio (contemplating the passage).

Written by Tom Garry, a Catholic husband, father, small business owner and member of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, the book combines an appreciation of the pressures of modern life with the time-honored Dominican tradition of Scripture-based inquiry and contemplation. Published by DNS Publications, the publishing arm of the Dominican Nuns of Summit, the book carries the nihil obstat, as well as the imprimatur of the Archbishop of Newark.

Through Lent with John’s People provides an ideal way for you or someone you love to make next Lent more meaningful.


First Sunday of Lent


You're Invited!